Friday, November 12, 2010
A few changes around the house
I've been putting off a lot of home repairs and projects for the longest time, but I'm taking a staycation, you know where you take vacation days from work but just spend them at home instead of going off somewhere, and using all this time that I have to make those repairs and stuff.
First up is getting some new siding put up. I'm getting home pro improvement to come out and do it for me because I liked the price quote that they gave me and they had a color that I liked, this muted gray that looks pretty modern.
I'm also sprucing up my bedroom a bit because it's my sanctuary. I'm so tired of my old headboard so I'm actually working on a new one. I have some cotton batting and my sewing machine ready. I think that IÕm going to use this neat looking gingham print fabric that I have to cover the headboard with and it will really set off the dark red that I have the walls painted.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Arizona may have taken a beating in the housing market, but they are still selling and no matter what people have to have a place to live. There are still some wise individuals who have saved and are now buying a house that is reasonable in today's market. With the way banks are playing games with financing, if you have saved up enough to pay cash over the years, then you will be rewarded with a nice house with no house payment.
Gold or a house?

If you had $100,000, which would you buy Gold Bullion,Gold IRA or a house? That's a tough one for me.But I think I would buy Bullion. Looking at the last 10 years, a home versus gold coins, it seems that the gold has held its value better. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I'm an easy-going guy, and I have nooo problem with that.
I have heard commercials about how gold has never been worth zero, and it always reminds me of when I was a kid and my dad bought some gold bullion. He actually buried it. I kid you not! He went out in the back yard like a golden retriever, and dug a hole to put it in. I remember it very well for two reasons. I was with him when we buried the gold bullion. He got out a gold coin and showed it to me. I think it was 10 oz, and at that time the price was around $250-$300 an oz. The other reason is that he told me if they were needed for some reason in the winter, we would be out of luck, because of the ground being frozen to about 2 feet down.
I also remember that about 2 years later we were going to dig up the gold and we could not find it. This was not in the city so its doubtful anyone saw us, but not impossible. We did this a few times, and would bury it in between two trees so it would be easy for us to find. All of the times we buried gold it was found, but not that one time.
Ahhh the father-son memories! This was back in the 60's and 70's when we still did things the old school way. Somewhere, in a quaint little town in northern Illinois, there is 10 ounces of gold that will likely never be found.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Pest Control

The Las Vegas housing market is still a bit weak, but houses are selling. If you're buying a home there and need pest control services, there is one Las Vegas Exterminator that would be glad to come out and give you some Bug Facts. If you need commercial pest control this company can do that too. There are so many pest control services in Nevada due to so many pests. If I lived in the desert, or Las Vegas for that matter, I would be getting a pest control company in Las Vegas.
The market for Las Vegas pest control is not an easy one, but I bet you could stay busy if you had one.
Billy the Exterminator should do a few episodes there!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Boston Real Estate
If I had lived when our ancestors came across this great country in covered wagons, you can bet I would have been hitching up my team of oxen looking for land and adventure out west. However, that does not mean that I cannot appreciate the east coast and its appeal to others besides me.
Boston condos have held up pretty well considering that condos seem to take the first hit. California is not an area that has a high demand for luxury condos. Until recently, when developers started putting up cookie cutter two story houses so close you could feel your next door neighbors breath on your shoulder, Californians always had homes on fairly big lots with plenty of room to roam. Times they are a changin'.
Boston is an awesome city that I would love to visit one day.
If you live there or want to move there and are ready to buy visit Bushari Group Real Estate.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Easy Math
They ask for all kinds of things now! They might even ask for samples of graphing linear equations if you were to try and get a loan. If you are confused about what I am talking about, or if you want to learn some complicated math, just click on the links for all kinds tutoring on math like algebra 2, adding fractions, 5th grade math, the list goes on and on.
And if you kid comes home with math homework and wanting him to help you figure out the formula for volume, then you'll have a resource!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
House Flipping
House flipping is still happening, but now it takes a lot more than just buying a home and doing nothing other than putting it back on the market. It takes some hard work and there are some that do a great job at it. One thing that helps sell a home is placing nice bathroom tiles. The latest tile fad is subway tiles.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Some ways to make extra cash.
Perhaps you are thinking about getting a roommate, or looking for a room for rent because times are tough and you have to make that boat payment,or you could use some extra cash. Unless you want to end up with a roomie that is not the best, then might I suggest a roommate matching service? Allow me to explain. I am a quiet, laid back person. I prefer turning in early and waking up early. I like to quietly eat my bowl of cereal before taking on the demands of the day. I hate cigarette smoke.
Sooo...for me to live with a smoker, party animal, night owl, or loud mouth could be a recipe for disaster. A roommate search such as this makes it a bit more simple to find a roommate.
A roommate matching service is an excellent way to weed a lot of people out that just would not be good matches. We all lead busy lives, and it is nice to have services like this that take a lot of the guess work out of difficult choices.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Roommate renovation

Guest post written by Gary Dexter
Because of my job I tend to move around every few years, so I've never settled down enough to buy a place of my own. That means that I've had more roommates than I can count, but I'm so used to it that I'm good with dealing with potential roommate disasters before they happen. I also know how to handle landlords and property managers as a result.
That's when I noticed that our air conditioner wasn't working I went through the old motions of making sure it wasn't frozen over and then called the landlord. I had already done my research and suggested sears home improvement san jose. Surprisingly the landlord agreed with me and had them over almost immediately.
I learned a long time ago that it's best to let landlords know about things wrong with the property, whether it's a broken doorknob or air conditioning unit. Sure, they don't like to pay out the money to get stuff fixed, but you also don't want to get charged with it when you move out because you didn't report it in the first place.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Dallas Real Estate
I love to follow real estate all over the country, and it seems that one part of the country where the housing seems to be not so bad is Texas. I have even heard recently of a few large companies that are moving to Texas. Housing seems to be fairly reasonable when looking at Dallas homes for sale.
I could spend all day looking at Dallas homes not that I do though.
Texas has always appealed to some part of me. Perhaps it is the wide openness of the state, and the welcoming people who live there. Anytime I have been in Texas, the people are very down-to-earth and friendly. I don't think I could convince Howard and Julie to move there, as they like living near the coast and mountains and the mild California weather (so do I), and they both swear they are never moving again, but I'll keep my eye on some Dallas homes for sale just for the fun of it.
Myrtle Beach
I am not a good golfer. I'm just not. That being said, I do enjoy being outdoors on a nice day feeling the warmth of the sun on my shoulders. Always open for new ideas for our next vacation, these Myrtle Beach golf packages sound nice and relaxing, and a great way to experience a beautiful area of the country.
Myrtle Beach golf courses look amazing, and if you click on the link of some of the golf courses you can see video footage of them. I don't think I am up for a "golf vacation," but I definitely would not mind checking out the Myrtle Beach golf packages and spending a day on one of the Myrtle Beach courses. One of the great things about vacation destinations like Myrtle Beach is that there is usually something for everyone, and plenty to keep one entertained.
Now to find a dog sitter for Howard!
Friday, July 23, 2010
No Mailboxes?
When we moved into our home in northern Illinois, we realized that we needed a mailbox. Coming from California, in an area where residential mailboxes were located at one spot for several houses, this was a surprise for us.
What to do? What to do?
I wish we would have known about this company that specializes in residential mailboxes as well as commercial mailboxes. We ended up going the do-it-yourself route and were not as pleased with the results as we had hoped. Many times it pays to go with the professionals!
This company has way more selection than any home improvement store can offer, with many unique ways to add to the character of your home!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Hey Roomie Where Should I Park My New Boat

Perhaps you are thinking about getting a roommate, or looking for a room for rent. Unless you want to end up with a roomie like this guy, then might I suggest a roommate matching service? Allow me to explain. I am a quiet, laid back person. I prefer turning in early and waking up early. I like to quietly eat my bowl of cereal before taking on the demands of the day. I hate cigarette smoke.
Sooo...for me to live with a smoker, party animal, night owl, or loud mouth could be a recipe for disaster. A roommate matching service such as this one lays everything out on the line. Even down to orientation (gay, straight, etc.), which at the end of the day we all have our opinions.
A roommate matching service is an excellent way to weed a lot of people out that just would not be good matches. We all lead busy lives, and it is nice to have services like this that take a lot of the guess work out of difficult choices.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Howard says hi

I can't help it if "going bye bye" sounds like a great idea. It is all I know to call that exhiliration of being on the open road, ears flapping, nose sniffing air at 80 mph.
There are some things I miss quite a bit. When I was a wee little pup, Brad would drive from Lake Havasu to Santa Barbara every single week and sometimes he would bring me with him. It was a fun trip, of course, because I was on the road nose to the wind. The only problem was he would drive his truck every single time but does not have a ton of space for me to lie down. I, Howard, need my naps. Even as a puppy I needed a daily nap or five.
I used to dream that he would buy a bigger car,maybe an Acura TL. I used to picture myself hanging out the huge side window, barking at the passers by and laughing under my breath like Mutley when the jumped. Never happened though. Instead I was stuck in the little truck bracing myself for every slam on the brakes. One time we were cruising along at 70, and all of a sudden he slammed on the brakes and I end up on the floor. Not fun for me at all, and after that the truck needed a brake job.
I needed a craniotomy.
Brad was always good at putting her up on two wheels as well. You have NO IDEA the suffering I endured all for the thrill of a joy ride. I would even drive from California to Arizona just for an oil change. That is how hardcore I am.
Friday, June 4, 2010

This guest post written by Lorenzo Matthews
My wife and I have lived in Los Angeles (where we met) for over ten years. After we had Simon, we started thinking about moving. The area we lived in was expensive plus the apartment seemed to be shrinking. Funny how kids change everything. My family owns a lot of property in Montana where I grew up. My dad offered one of the rentals to us and even hired me as a property manager. So we moved.
Our new neighborhood lacks some of the cultural refinements of Los Angeles, but it sure is a lot quieter. Cindy joined the neighborhood watch to meet the neighbors because my job will force me to travel all over the state. She learned our new home is in a great area with good schools and low crime. So far the only reported crime we have noticed was under-age drinking at a high school dance.
But since I am on the road quite a bit, I did get Home Security In Montana. Now there is good exterior lighting and the property is wired into a reputable, local security company. Cindy is also getting a dog. Not for protection but just because we finally have a yard.
We have been here for over five months now. I feel a lot better on the road knowing the neighborhood is safe and our house is protected. You know you live in a pretty safe spot when the neighborhood watch spends most of its time deciding where to have the next barbeque.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Moving into a new home
This is a guest post by Angela Walker.
We just bought a new home on the other side of town and I am so excited to get moving! I started packing up boxes last week and we have so much stuff. I did some shopping around for internet and tv and made a call to get it hooked up at our new house. I am really happy that I got a better deal than we had before. I got the electric and gas ready to be set up too.
On moving day we started right away. We moved everything we could in one day. It made for a really long day but all that is left at the old house is the beds and essentials. We will be sleeping at our old house for the last time tonight. It is crazy thinking we will never stay there again. I am so ready to start the new adventures in our new home.
Dallas Crime
Guest posted by my friend Matthew Thoms
As with any major metropolitan city, Dallas, TX has its fair share of crime. Additionally, certain areas of the city appear more prone to crime than other neighborhoods. Statistically, there was a time when Dallas had the highest crime rate of any U.S. city for 10 years. However, in 2009 it dropped to the number two slot. This is a significant improvement for those living in the DFW region.
Living in Dallas, TX for the past 15 years has offered many benefits. We have lived in many neighborhoods over the years but particularly in the smaller suburbs surrounding Dallas. Regardless of the neighborhood we have lived we take necessary precautions in order to keep us safe. When we purchased our last home, we had all the locks changed with state-of-the-art locks, and we installed a highly sophisticated alarm system with motion detection from an online dallas adt security company we found. We have three large dogs that are part of the family, but also would make an intruder think twice before entering.
Regardless of the area we have lived in the city our main concerns have stemmed from burglary, car jacking, and violent assaults. Living in a “safer” neighborhood in Dallas, does not mean you let your guard down, on the contrary, you must always take the necessary precaution in order to remain safe. Many crimes occur because the victim failed to use common sense, shopping in the wee hours of the night or not locking doors and windows in their home. Overall, my family and I do feel safe living in Dallas, TX.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Putting It All On Red 36!
Right before the housing bubble I did some day trading. It was fun, but hard to make money. I did like the ability to do online trading. It was like I had my own online broker. Mobile trading was not even around at that time. Sometimes, I get the urge to put in a couple of hundred dollars and try my luck again with stock trading. It has come a long way in such a short time! I also have learned a lot on what stocks to buy. The difference, is I am now working at a 9-5 job, and cannot sit at home in front of the computer and watch the market.
One of the good things I have now, which I did not have before, is a few IRA accounts.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Time to leave?
A few years ago I knew a guy who was cashing out and moving to Texas. In the back of my mind I was thinking hhhhmmm, why would he want to move to Texas? Now I hear about more and more people leaving California and buying Dallas Real Estate.
My sister has been there several times, and loves it. She takes her vacations there year after year, and I think out of curiosity the next time she goes, which should be very soon knowing her, I will ask her to pick up some real estate magazines for me so I can check out some Dallas Homes for Sale .
I am a real estate magazine junky, but if you would rather just see Dallas Homes for Sale through the internet you can click the links.
It can be confusing to buy real estate these days. The links above should have some very helpful information for you. Maybe you are not in a position to buy now, but it is never to late to think about how you want to spend your retirement years.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Christmas lights in April?
No Need to Break Your Back Putting the Christmas Lights Up This Year If You Buy This Foreclosure!
I spend a lot of time looking for houses online. Probably too much time. I love it like a wino loves his Two Buck Chuck from Trader Joe's. It relaxes me, and at least I'm not stumbling around and yelling at the neighbors with slurred speech: "Hey put those guns away or I'll pall the colice!"
One site that is helpful a list of Free REO foreclosures . This service is free and one of the better ones I have found. It's very easy to use, and do a foreclosure search in the city of your choice. Every state is on the map, and there are more cities to choose from than you likely have the time for.
Check it out and do some searching for some Real Estate Owned Foreclosures Click on any state then you will see the cities from that state. Its fun to do just for pure entertainment. They now have pictures so you can get a general idea of what the house looks like.
So sit down at your computer, pour yourself a glass of Two Buck Chuck, and search away.
Use your imagination and do a search for Free Foreclosures.
We all know there is no such thing as a free foreclosure though. But there are some good deals right now.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Carolina on My Mind

I have never been to the Smoky Mountains, but have always held them in a mystical sort of way in my mind. Pictures, as always, never do a location enough justice. Nonetheless, I sometimes like to imagine what it would be like to live in different parts of the country. It is a wanderlust that I come by rightfully from my father.
I am always trying to convince my wife to do travel nursing. It would be great to go for 2 to 3 months at a time to get the feel of a new region. Although I am not a fan of apartment living, for the obvious reasons (noise, smells, people) I think I could tolerate anything if I am enjoying myself, or at the worst know I am only obligated for 60 to 90 days.
When an advertiser for Durham, NC Apartments showed up in my inbox, I could not help but be interested. Their apartments look very clean and well maintained. They also have High Point, NC Apartments and Charlotte, NC Apartments. Some of the 3 bedroom floor plans have nearly 1200 sq. ft.
The grass may not be greener on the other side, but it is always good to get out and experience life while you are able.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Boston real estate does not seem to be hit as hard as other areas of the country, especially like California. Here is my take on it:
1. Boston Real Estate never had the overinflated jump that other areas did.
2. There is a demand for Boston luxury real estate there.
3. Boston is a historic and cultural place to live with plenty to do and see.
4. Even Boston condos have held up pretty well considering that condos seem to take the first hit.
When you are ready to buy visit Bushari Group Real Estate
All I ever write about is California real estate, because it is what I know. Do any of you have insight on the east coast market? I'm curious
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Used cars

If you break down in a big town like Chicago you will most likely be looking for a Chicago auto repair shop. Right? Perhaps you will run into Rod Blagojevich as your mechanic. In which case I would push my 2002 Toyota Corolla to the next repair shop if I had to. I highly doubt Blago would give you a honest deal on a new water pump, but I'm just sayin'. is a question for you. Who would you trust more as an auto mechanic, Nancy Pelosi or Rod Blagojevich? If you ask me and I had to answer I would pick Blagoat least he is showing up in public and telling his side of the story. I do not believe the story but he is talking and good ole Nancy just sits behind closed doors and does more and more damage to the country. Oh well thats enough of the political talk!!!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
I spend a lot of time looking for houses online. Probably too much time. Some people are online gamers. I am an online real estate junkie. Pick any town, and I'll look it up and be able to tell you about the real estate market in a nutshell. I have my favorites, like Lake Havasu, Santa Barbara, Monterey, Pismo, but sometimes it is nice to check out middle of nowhere locations and see how they are doing.
One site that is helpful is this site with Free Foreclosures.This service is free and one of the better ones I have found. It's very easy to use, and get Free REO foreclosures in the city of your choice. Every state is on the map, and there are more cities to choose from than you likely have the time for. Not everybody is Real Estate smart and there was a day when I did not know what REO foreclosure meant. So for the newbies it means Real Estate Owned Foreclosures
Its simple to use all you do is click on any state then you will see the cities from that state. Its fun to do just for pure entertainment. They now have pictures of the foreclosures with addresses.
Friday, January 1, 2010

Boston real estate is not something I am even remotely familiar with, but you can bet if I ever get the chance to pass through there I will be hitting up the free real estate magazine stands. Is there a high demand for Boston luxury real estate?How are the Boston Lofts for a place to live? When I think of luxury real estate I always envision west coast places like Santa Barbara, Montecito, Half Moon Bay, or Lake Tahoe. Those are places that hold appeal out here, but what about areas like Boston? Where do the Blue Bloods like to live?
If I had lived when our ancestors came across this great country in covered wagons, you can bet I would have been hitching up my team of oxen looking for land and adventure out west. However, that does not mean that I cannot appreciate the east coast and its appeal to others besides me.
Boston condos have held up pretty well considering that condos seem to take the first hit. California is not an area that has a high demand for luxury condos. Until recently, when developers started putting up cookie cutter two story houses so close you could feel your next door neighbors breath on your shoulder, Californians always had homes on fairly big lots with plenty of room to roam. Times they are a changin'.
Boston is an awesome city that I would love to visit one day.
If you live there or want to move there and are ready to buy visit Bushari Group Real Estate.