I can't help it if "going bye bye" sounds like a great idea. It is all I know to call that exhiliration of being on the open road, ears flapping, nose sniffing air at 80 mph.
There are some things I miss quite a bit. When I was a wee little pup, Brad would drive from Lake Havasu to Santa Barbara every single week and sometimes he would bring me with him. It was a fun trip, of course, because I was on the road nose to the wind. The only problem was he would drive his truck every single time but does not have a ton of space for me to lie down. I, Howard, need my naps. Even as a puppy I needed a daily nap or five.
I used to dream that he would buy a bigger car,maybe an Acura TL. I used to picture myself hanging out the huge side window, barking at the passers by and laughing under my breath like Mutley when the jumped. Never happened though. Instead I was stuck in the little truck bracing myself for every slam on the brakes. One time we were cruising along at 70, and all of a sudden he slammed on the brakes and I end up on the floor. Not fun for me at all, and after that the truck needed a brake job.
I needed a craniotomy.
Brad was always good at putting her up on two wheels as well. You have NO IDEA the suffering I endured all for the thrill of a joy ride. I would even drive from California to Arizona just for an oil change. That is how hardcore I am.
1/3 of your brain is smell (olfactory system)...so Howard going "bye bye" is really going "smell smell" and your brain lives for it...why aren't you posting under your Howard site? is your dog house not selling either? maybe you could rename this site "I can't smell my House"
Historically the sales transaction and the concerns of the buyer were the purview of a single realtor. However, as the industry has progressed so have the needs of each party and so the specialist arose. Buyers have some very particular needs, and specifically the need to feel that their best interests are seen to.
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