No Need to Break Your Back Putting the Christmas Lights Up This Year If You Buy This Foreclosure!
I spend a lot of time looking for houses online. Probably too much time. I love it like a wino loves his Two Buck Chuck from Trader Joe's. It relaxes me, and at least I'm not stumbling around and yelling at the neighbors with slurred speech: "Hey put those guns away or I'll pall the colice!"
One site that is helpful a list of Free REO foreclosures . This service is free and one of the better ones I have found. It's very easy to use, and do a foreclosure search in the city of your choice. Every state is on the map, and there are more cities to choose from than you likely have the time for.
Check it out and do some searching for some Real Estate Owned Foreclosures Click on any state then you will see the cities from that state. Its fun to do just for pure entertainment. They now have pictures so you can get a general idea of what the house looks like.
So sit down at your computer, pour yourself a glass of Two Buck Chuck, and search away.
Use your imagination and do a search for Free Foreclosures.
We all know there is no such thing as a free foreclosure though. But there are some good deals right now.
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