A view of approximately 10 new homes being built. It is rare to see much building here in the central valley of California these days, but I think this is a part of the Mission Possible campaign. Looks like the big bird hatched a few.
Have any suggestions of what you would like to see on this blog? I need some new inspiration, and am open to your ideas.
To the anonymous person who wanted to know the location of the homes I am posting about...most of these homes are in the San Joaquin Valley of California. Some are in the mid west as well, but you'll have to look further back to see those.
A few people have stated that it looks like desert here. I wouldn't call it desert, but it is dry in the summer months. There are a lot of dairies and almond/walnut orchards, vineyards, and fruit orchards in this area. It is situated in between the coastal mountains and the Sierra Nevada mountains. It does not rain in the summer...most of the rainfall is in the winter and that is when it greens up. We're within 1-2 hours of the beach and 1-2 hours of the mountains and snow skiing, etc. There is a shortage of water, and the Govenator has said we will be in serious trouble if we don't have an above average rainfall/snow pack this coming winter.
To answer another question, I get almost all of my aerial photos from a remote control plane with a digital camera on it. Sometimes I go up flying in a full scale plane, but that costs money.
Thanks to everyone for stopping by and leaving comments. I enjoy reading them.
It just keeps getting worse. How do banks expect to get top dollar for their foreclosed properties when they all look like this? And believe me, they're still asking top dollar.