Thursday, August 9, 2007


Until just recently, credit was easily available through multiple lenders from around the world. Buyers were not buying homes to raise families, and lenders were not lending money to add stability to their communities. Families with only one child were buying 3500 sq foot homes with 5 bedrooms 3 baths and a three car garage on a postage stamp lot (had to throw that in there).
What are bank lenders and borrowers thinking? Wake up people. Live within your means. Adjustable does not mean stay the same. It means it can change, and will change. Now these people are considered victims, and when I turn on the news people are crying “BAIL ME OUT."
From the big banks of the world, to small families, everyone is looking to Uncle Sam to bail them out of a jam. I don't know what the answer is, but I hope that the government's solutions will be for the long-term stability of this great nation and not just a reward for those who have played the system.
We, the hard working and responsible of this nation, are being taken for a ride. Every time a handout is given to reward lying and cheating more dirt is thrown in the hole. Before long, the hard working people will be buried alive, and you will have a nation of sheeple.
The government “BAIL-OUT” program is not the answer. I'm just sayin'...


Beach Cruiser said...

Someone get me REV. SHarpton on the phone...I need to be bailed out. Now thats a man that gets HEARD!! YOU DA MAN AL!! YOU DA MAN!! IF YOU CANT DO IT NO ONE CAN!!

christiangustafson said...

Foreclosure and liquidation is the answer! Let us praise them both! Hallelujah!

Anonymous said...

Notice the Hard Hitting Invetigative Journalism about people being thrown out of their Home. Note the crying Children money shots. And an Election Year is approaching.


Prepare to be Bailed Out. Resistance is Futile.