The Year 2005

Got a real bargain on this here pen for me and the wife...and I can't wait to see how much it's worth in a couple years. With my ARM, my payments are very reasonable, and the banker told us that we can refinance in a few years when the loan resets. It's alright that the neighbors are right on top of us...our realtor told us that this is a really quiet neighborhood and that the sheeple are friendly.

Really? We took some equity out on our pen and made some repairs, put in a grassy patch,
and bought a new SUV (sheep utility vehicle). Can't wait to refinance at a fixed rate.
The Year 2007

What do you mean I can't refinance with a fixed rate loan? Lies! All lies!
Now I'm stuck with these stinkin' neighbors right on top of me. More lies!
Notice the blood-shot eyes in the last picture...and the grey hair. Can't stop laughing!
This is totally hillarious!!! Thanks for the laugh.
The narrator is in a Baaaaaad situation!
Best housing commentary ever! Too funny!
The Year 2008
Mutton, anyone?
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