There must be a sign shortage. I hope the government can bail us out of this crisis too. This could get bad, real bad. Just when you think things could not possibly get worse, something else like this just gets thrown on top of the heap. It is too much to handle. I'd better go chew on some Aspirin. Does anyone have any nitroglycerin?
May God bless homeownership, the cornerstone of The American Dream. May locusts descend on scum renters and savers!
Great blog!
homedebtors, speculators realtors builders and appraisor getting a good kick in the @$$. GR888888T!
Are you sure there isnt a water shortage also? Look at all the beatiful brown lawns in your photos.
Also I think there is a chump shortage. Thus no sales.
Yes thats it, congress should pass the 'Chump Creation Act of 2007' to give ez free money to all who can get a realtor to fill out a form. Actually all thier efforts at affordable housing are exactly this, nevermind.
There still seem to be as many, if not more, chumps running around. They're just running out of options.
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