The house above is not lived in. It is a foreclosed, vacant home, with the garage door ripped off and taken who knows where. They left the car though!
You know what's great about renting? Not owning property next to dumps like this. My wife and I live in a new neighborhood surrounded by three vacant homes. Two of them are foreclosures. The third has been taken over by a cheerleader/dance class who practice in the garage every night while blasting their rap music. We call them the cheerleader squatters, because no one lives there and they only use it for a dance studio in the evening while I'm trying to watch the playoffs with the windows open. The fourth neighbor has his house up for sale, and snubs his nose at my wife and I, lowly renters that we are, who happen to be as quiet as church mice and keep the yard immaculate. If our dog so much as woofs we are on top of it. If he takes a dump in their flower bed, we practically have the poo sack under his tail making sure it doesn't infect their precious soil. We try to avoid this at all costs, but dogs will be dogs and he knows who the bad guy is. He tends to sneak over there to do his business if you will.
If I had driven by and looked at the house as a prospective homeowner, I might have thought this wouldn't be such a bad place to buy. Looks can be very deceiving. Wish I could rent my next home before buying.
You know what's great about renting? Not owning property next to dumps like this. My wife and I live in a new neighborhood surrounded by three vacant homes. Two of them are foreclosures. The third has been taken over by a cheerleader/dance class who practice in the garage every night while blasting their rap music. We call them the cheerleader squatters, because no one lives there and they only use it for a dance studio in the evening while I'm trying to watch the playoffs with the windows open. The fourth neighbor has his house up for sale, and snubs his nose at my wife and I, lowly renters that we are, who happen to be as quiet as church mice and keep the yard immaculate. If our dog so much as woofs we are on top of it. If he takes a dump in their flower bed, we practically have the poo sack under his tail making sure it doesn't infect their precious soil. We try to avoid this at all costs, but dogs will be dogs and he knows who the bad guy is. He tends to sneak over there to do his business if you will.
If I had driven by and looked at the house as a prospective homeowner, I might have thought this wouldn't be such a bad place to buy. Looks can be very deceiving. Wish I could rent my next home before buying.
You're looking at this ALL WRONG! You should be reveling in this! Just have me and my daytrading buddies down every weekend and WE'LL show them how a neighborhood is ruined properly!
(Where do we park "the Hogs"?)
Sheesh. Cheerleading squatters AND snooty neighbors. Oh and btw, if this clown is looking down his nose at you... why is he SELLING!?
"I... feel... your pain"
You can park the Hogs right next to the Lowrider
That was one of our "tag lines" over at Patrick.net. We often kidded about all of these "gated communities" and all of their "amenties" and wondered how they were going to maintain a club house and pool with people becoming "accidental landlords"?
Some of the stories coming out of LV are hysterical! There's one gal that has to "time" picking up her daily paper and get back inside before the neighbors pit bull puts the bite on her @ss! Poor gal. Another victim of bubble mentality.
Even "I" must admit, I never saw it getting this bad, this quick?
Interesting times we are living in. But, we can't say that we were not properly warned. There were so many people out there "blogging" and "proclaiming" that this day would come.
I wonder what the people that were arguing that we were all "chicken littles" are saying now. They are all soooo silent.
It's always fun to have someone (that had been renting anyway) come charging in with bated breath about this that or the other chart/article b/c they've JUST NOW discovered there was a "bubble"!
Hey, better late than never and of course all are welcome but for many of us haggard vets it's time for some well deserved humor. I've been saying bubble since at LEAST 2002 only to have most of it fall on deaf ears or be fitted for proper tin foil.
The minute I saw the "I can't sell my house" logo (I knew I wanted in).
I just happened upon this blog recently, and it's becoming my favorite. have you described where you live (no, not the address, but generally), how much the house was on the market for, and what you pay in rent? Hey, I'm the same guy who slows down for the accidents looking for the bloodstains.
Anon...thanks! I live in the Modesto, California, area...where everyone comes up missing...so if I don't blog for a few weeks...kidding. I'm renting a new house for $1400/mo. This house probably cost $400,000 band new and today they'd be lucky to get $300,000. I'm not kidding when I say I am surrounded by foreclosures. It is bad here.
anyone who invests in the california/florida market is a COMPLETE idiot. enough said.
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