My wife and I live in the house with the garage door open. That car, blocking the driveway, belongs to one of the cheerleaders in the adjacent house. There is only one way in-and-out of the drive, and they're blocking it and nowhere to be found. Unfortunately we had to plow through their flowerbeds in order to get around them.
This new generation coming up has NO respect for anyone. Why? I'll tell you why! Because mommy and daddy never taught little junior and little princess to respect others or even their own parenting authority. Why in my day, when my parents spoke I listened without sassing back, because if I did, that was the end for me. My parents weren't abusive ogres either, in fact they were very loving, but I sure knew better than to act like a little bratt.
Damn youngsters.
I must be getting old.

Howard vigorously nods his head "yes" when asked if he hiked his leg on the cheerleader's car tire. Shame on you Howard.
This is the basis for a LOT of my rants too! Why? Because anyone that has spent one day in "the service" knows the quickest way to get "the grease" is to be the "squeaky wheel"!
Whatever you do, (don't hold up the line!) It's in virtually every facet of lives now and I fear it's irreversible. Be it parking, ordering at the diner or at the check-out lane EVERYBODY now acts as if there is NO ONE behind them! And if there ARE... well then 'ef 'em!
I've had the simplest of "honey do" lists and just having to deal with the general public can turn them into MAJOR chores. You rant 'on Brad!
Leave an anonymous note on their car telling them that next time they block the driveway it'll be towed away and good luck finding it.
sounds like a perfect use for http://www.youparklikeanasshole.com/
Just download and print out their form and leave it on the car. And upload the pic of the park job to the site.
I like that website baddriver...good one. My wife did slap a post-it-note on their windshield. She was on her way to work and just happened to have sticky notes in her pocket.
Anonymous, you are so on the money. People who block your way in the aisles of grocery stores, or anywhere for that matter, ABSOLUTELY know that you are there. I used to work for an ice cream company, and when I would bring out a big pallet of ice cream to stock, I was hard to miss, but people would stand in my way until they were damn good and ready to move and looked at me like I could just go to hell and back while I waited.
Key the car. Do it. I would. Do it.
call police. hopefully they wikll tow it away and impound it. Cost these D(*&&^^$%bags some bucks.
We can all have some fun and say "key the damn thing" (and Lord knows these situations are endlessly frustrating) but I will suggest... the High Road.
I was having a NIGHTMARE of a day. This very, very hefty gal seemed to be following me around (I swear) at our local srtip mall. First, while at the check out at Safeway, then at Rite-Aid and finally at the liquor store.
Where ever I was in line, she elbowed her way in front INSISTING she be attended to! Well by the time "rude and insulting incident #3" rolled around I was ready for her! She wanted to know if they were having a special on airline bottles of schnapps or if the limes were 2 for a dollar or 3 when I abruptly turned, looked her right in the eye (so there'd be NO mistaking) and said.. "Right now the cashier is helping ME, when YOU have waited YOUR turn, she will help YOU!" and turned to complete my transaction.
So welfare gal looks really embarrassed and lets out a "humph" (like can you believe the nerve of this guy?). Then as she goes to get into her 1979 Toyota pick-up with a bed full of bottle returns I just stand there and look at her. Not glaring, not threatening, just... looking. Never had a problem with her or her "disabled" old man since!
I live in a similar type of set up as you. Same problems. The other day the big family (Indian I think...from India) has two grown up 20 somethings still living at home. Well, they pull their cars out and block the alley I have to drive down to get to my garage. If I ask them to move they ignore me or barely make eye contact. They will move them but only after I sit there for almost 10 minutes.
If these people want to live 5-6 to a home, fine...but maybe you should buy a bigger home with your own driveway. Until then, show a little respect...
Who would buy those homes, the cheerleader is not the idiot, the buyer is!!! see, its a smart for the cheerleader becuase she is thinking "maybe i can get these folks out of here early cause there monthly payment is killing them already its just a matter of time." lol Suckers!!!!
You should really take a picture of the car, send it to the HOA if you have one.
Where I live residents are routinely fined $50.00 for every infraction.
We all know folks like this will never change.
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