Then maybe you should hold a Halloweenie Haunted House Extravaganza on your block! You could have ghosts and goblins jump out of the weeds, and shady bankers and lenders hide in the shadows of their misgivings and empty promises. Instead of dressing your children up as witches and monsters, dress them up as realtors and mortgage brokers. That would be scarier! Hey, the banks could get in on this and hold auctions on all their over priced foreclosures! Pass out free candy and they will come.
P.S. If you are interested, the above foreclosed home is priced at $349,000. Such a deal!
P.S. If you are interested, the above foreclosed home is priced at $349,000. Such a deal!
Excellent pix! This is the face of Great Depression 2, kids. And it's just getting started, whee!
So good to see you're getting in the "spirit of the season"! Why I just know that sales this October are going to be Spooktacular!
I know we love to have fun with some of these far flung developments but I've actually been looking for some out of the way property like the top picture. Anyone that's lived in Oregon for two decades starts to appreciate just about any place that doesn't rain!
And I'm willing to take it off your hands! (For the back taxes owed)
Im not sure what kind of bargain you could get on the top picture. The sign was not out front yet but the last one can be picked up at $349,000
(I just had to call) and to me thats about $200,000 over priced. If your serious i can give you information about some cheap out of the way places. I do lots of traveling.
God almighty, these pictures are so depressing I have to laugh! Now tell me, how common is this in your neighborhood?
VERY common. I live in one of the worst areas for foreclosures. It is mainly the newer neighborhoods that are like this. Older, established neighborhoods have not been affected much, if at all.
Oh, by the way, the top photo is of an abandoned hotel on old Route 66 in Arizona. I put it up there for laughs, because that seems to be the direction the foreclosure alleys are going.
Well, no doubt that is about the ugliest hotel I've seen in all the Southwest! But the sick part is... I actually LIKE places like Goldfield, NV! I'd love to have the time like you do to check out all of the old ghostowns (and something tells me there will be many more) in short order!
Two of my other favorites are Hawthorne, NV and Gerlach, NV. Along w/ Modoc County, CA. Hawthorne isn't really... a "ghostown" and the base there has renewed the lease and I'm glad. The people are super nice and they actually believe in law and order! Weird huh?
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