Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Vacation Living

Howard's Friend, Jack, Enjoys the Laid Back Lifestyle,
and says, "Check-out Somerset Condos."

My wife and I recently left the Howard with my wife's parents (my in-laws refer to him as the "grand-dog") and took a little trip down to Santa Barbara, and then back up the coast to Pismo, Avila Beach, and San Luis Obispo, and then home. It was very relaxing, and made me want to move back to a beach town. I used to live in Santa Barbara before it became yet another extension of Los Angeles. It's still beautiful there, but nothing like it was back in the early 80's - 90's. My old boat is still there, as are many of my old neighbors...somethings never change.

Anyway, seeing the website for Somerset Condos in Greensboro, NC, made me wonder what it's like there. Are any of you familiar with that part of the country? It sounds beautiful and serene. I always like to think of the south as quiet and peaceful, with friendly folk willing to smile back at you. Unlike the west where you're likely to get shot at if you smile the wrong way, but that's the wild wild west for you.

Anyway, if the south isn't like that anymore please don't burst my bubble. I have somewhere to dream about when I hate my life. If Somerset Condos is still around when I'm old and rich enough to retire, I'll be the senile old man down there muttering about cheerleaders playing their music too damn loud.


Anonymous said...

Somerset Condos reminds me of the Ritz Carlton hotel in Maui. We stopped there for a drink and looked out over the courtyard. We walked around. It was beautiful but creepy. It felt like death. It was an overwhelming sensation of walking through a mausoleum.

On the way out I asked one of the staff if the place was pretty empty, and she said, no, they were full. Which was even weirder because not only did it feel dead, it felt empty. We just couldn't shake this weird feeling.

A few days later we were talking to someone else about it, and they told us that the Ritz had been forced to redesign their hotel because the original plans intruded on a native burial ground.

I guess they didn't redesign it well enough.

Anyway, the pic of the Somerset Condos reminds me of the Ritz on Maui. Beware the Condos of Death.

Anonymous said...

p.s.: I'm not talking about the pic of Howard's friend. He's great, the pool's great. I'm talking about the Somerset Condos website. It gives me a major case of the heebie-jeebies. Beware the Condos of Death.