Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Perfect Cheer

Ready? Okay!
I am a snotty cheerleader
The world revolves around only me!
My parents taught me I was a princess
I am the monster they created me to be!

My neighbors hate me
I practice with my friends!
I play my music way too loud
The party never ends.

I am so popular
my beauty is no match!
My neighbors can just stuff it
at least I'm not in foreclosure with the latest batch!

This house I'd never own
because I am too good
I'll make my future husband
take out an even bigger loan!
Shut-up? No way!
If you could you know you would!

ARM's? What's that?
Brown lawns next door?
Who cares!
My parents pay the rent
so I'm not in their hair.

Ready? Okay!


Anonymous said...

You should secretly make a video of them and post it on You Tube, and then link to it so we can watch it.

Ray said...

And make sure the music in the background is GNR's "Welcome to the Jungle."


Anonymous said...

Come on, just one picture of them!!

They can't be ALL bad...