Howard thinks he is better than the other well known real estate sign dog, as he can do various facial expressions for you depending upon which stage of foreclosure you are in.
Above: Maybe we can sell it for what we owe.
Above: Maybe we can sell it for what we owe.

Third stage: The auction can have this dump.
NICE lawn! I don't think these stucco catboxes will look much better in a couple of years.
Opening Bid at $50,000? WOW!
Seems like the lenders are starting to get it? Early on in the bust FL "auctions" held HIGH reserves that were seldom met so few bank owned properties actually changed hands.
It may become apparent to CA lenders that tactic simplt didn't work? Please keep an eye on these for us so we can get an idea of "true" market value. (Assuming they ever sell)
Wow, you have some nerv, letting your dog on that homes grass. I hoped you gave him a bath so he dosen't catch anything.
Opening bid $50K, fine. But what about the bank's ringers in the audience? I wouldn't trust those auctions farther than I could throw 'em.
I agree they are rigged
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