You know what you need? A vacation. Your life is tough, and I would not want to be you! People just don't appreciate you. Someone is always breathing their hot, stank air down your neck and it's about time they find out what it is like to be without you for a few days. Hand them a tic tac on your way out the office door to your vacation destination. Honestly, you just need to take some time to think about your life and feel the cool, fresh air of freedom for once.
I myself like to take vacations by car and usually within a days drive. I can get out of my car, give my best Chevy Chase/Grand Canyon nod and head on out to the next stop. Some people would rather fly to a place further away, for instance Costa Rica. I hear its very nice there. There are so many choices as where to stay you can stay...in a hotel...rent a house. You can even have a vacation home that you own and rent out when you're not staying there.
I like to think of a vacation as my way of sticking it to the man. Get away from the rude, stressed-out people and join the happy, relaxed vacationers. Jimmy Buffett is waiting for you.
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