Tuesday, January 8, 2008


This sign, dated January 4, 2008, is posted on a house that has been empty for at least 6 mos. Any of you know why they would just up and post a sign on a vacant house?


Anonymous said...

Aren't they required to by law? Even if they aren't living there, they are the current occupants of the ouse.

Anonymous said...

It's a part of the procedure. If there's any personal property left in the house, the former owner has a set period of time to reclaim it (varies by state). Otherwise, every foreclosed owner would claim they have the Hope Diamond and 20 bars of gold bullion hidden in an attic.

Heartfelt Jewelry said...

I believe this notice indicates the property has moved into the REO Department of the bank, and they will put it for sale for 6 months until they have to "fire sale".

bradinsb said...

Thanks for the explanations.

Anonymous said...

Tell me the address. I'd like to take them up on the incentive. ;)