Are you thinking of buying a house? I follow the market mostly in Arizona and California and I see prices have leveled off and there are some bargains out there. I see some houses that are going for under $50,000 and its hard to believe that just a few years ago these same houses were priced up near $300,000. One problem people are having today that was not a problem a few years back is getting financing, there are still ways to get loans, here is a website to get some tutorials on mortages. FHA is a popular program people are using right now since you can get into a home with as little as 3% down. So if you are looking to buy your first home or a fixer upper visit advantagehomerates.com
if you are buying a house as investment, always try to steal a house in the very best neighborhood possible...start with the best neighborhood, and then get the cheapest house there...stay away if at all possible from recently built tract developments,even nicer ones, and stick to older, higher end neighborhoods...if there are none like that in the area in which you are looking, then look elsewhere...I bet Howard would not like this pool....maybe the effer cat could use this pool as a catbox
Please heavens no, DO NOT try to buy a house like that with FHA. I don't know about California, but here in Vegas, I am telling people that anything under about $60k should be considered cash only purchases and don't try to get anything under about $90k with FHA. It just won't pass the appraisal, period. And since banks won't do any repairs, you've basically wasted your time.
yeah, I am not talking FHA...FHA is a train wreck in slow motion anyway... the next bailout fiasco as the defaults continue to cascade
Hi, thanks for sharing this informative and well written article. Like you, I’m also fond of hunting new houses. I like to live in houses that are in the hilly areas making you feel as you are close to heaven. And, from where you can view entire city and can see the scenic beauty as well. But, my dream home is a luxury Boston condo. For that, I am keeping an eye on some nice real estate websites like lrgboston.com so as to fulfill my dream. The site does show me some nice beautiful Boston condos that fits my budget. Also shows the pictures of all the units.
Hi Brad, thanks for sharing this informative and well written article. I think due to recession price of many units has come down heavily. And, I also agree to the fact that now is the best time to buy a property. I don’t know much about FHA so can’t really comment on that. But, can recommend some pretty good real estate websites where one can get unique listings for Boston condos. The sites are Lrgboston.com and luxuryboston.com which lets you search properties by price, area, or what your lifestyle affords you. The sites are very fast and will show you pictures of all the properties and in most cases floor plans as well. You can browse Boston and surrounding area apartments for rent and condo for sale. The areas include Boston, Back Bay, Brookline, Cambridge, Weston, Newton, Chestnut Hill and more.
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