My wife wanted to take me to Manteca, California, about 40 minutes north of us to see some Christmas lights. She was yipping about how amazing they were, and I was thinking, yeah, yeah, yeah, they're just Christmas lights, we have those in our town too. Was it really necessary to drive 40 minutes? Oh Holy Night, was it ever. These pictures do not do this house justice. I was transformed into a spastic little boy again.
If you live near Manteca, go check this place out, and then afterward go check out the Bass Pro Shop which is more like Bass Pro HEAVEN. Even my wife enjoyed walking around through it, until she was creeped out by the Santa who looked a little too lonely and acted too eager for her to come sit on his lap. She is very reserved and just kept on walking like she was very interested in something over in the knife section. When Santa turned his attention to me, I made a beeline for the knives as well.
After that we went through a drive-thru Nativity Scene on the life of Christ, where the teenaged/young men and women at the crucifixion scene were a little too into it. It wasn't touching, but rather a little creepy like Santa at the Bass Pro Shop. The actors in the other scenes were excellent, but these kids needed to be reigned in if you know what I mean. Two girls were screaming, wailing, and howling at the foot of the cross, and the boys playing the soldiers were yelling at them like wife beaters. "Jesus" was laying on the cross like, "Uh, exsqueeze me? WWJD?"
Who knew Manteca was such a festive holiday town?
hey why is Howard still in the tub?
He was really dirty. He did a quick post tonight and says he will try to be more consistent.
These lights are really way above-average! On the other hand, the crucifixion scene sounds very strange indeed. Thanks for the photos!
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