I've been looking to buy a house lately. The market is flooded with foreclosures, and there are so many to choose from. I have always wondered where to find mortgage news, and this source is pretty good. Lets see I have called 3 realtors and only one has returned my call. I looked at a house with the realtor and told him I was very interested in the house, and would like more information. About 3 days later I got an e-mail, and that was after I e-mailed to see what the status was. The realtors in my area must have socked away a bunch of money while times were good, because I'm not getting such great customer service out there. Yeah, that's it.
I guess its a good thing since I have been reading the Mortgage Ledger I have learned a few things about the Mortgage Industry News as well. You also can check the mortgage rates news there. For now I have put the buying a house on hold and I will be keeping an eye on the mortgage news and the current market.
A little side note for my regulars that come here, I looked at a foreclosure with Christmas lights still up. If the power was on I would go back at night and turn them on. The nice thing is I am looking close to where I currently live, and I can drive by any potential house and see what goes on at different times of the day or night. So far I have 3 different ones that are OUT of the question due to the LOUD neighbors. [[[Hatin']]].
looking to buy a house already? Come on, you can hold out for another year or two when prices will be that much lower. Be strong
But it is so much fun looking and im going to start blogging about all of the houses I look at. It should make good blogging.
I'm in the market right now if the deal is good enough or in the fall. What's concerning you about the mortgage market?
I think prices will come down a bit more
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