A few years ago I knew a guy who was cashing out and moving to Texas. In the back of my mind I was thinking hhhhmmm, why would he want to move to Texas? Now I hear about more and more people leaving California and buying Dallas Real Estate.
My sister has been there several times, and loves it. She takes her vacations there year after year, and I think out of curiosity the next time she goes, which should be very soon knowing her, I will ask her to pick up some real estate magazines for me so I can check out some Dallas Homes for Sale .
I am a real estate magazine junky, but if you would rather just see Dallas Homes for Sale through the internet you can click the links.
It can be confusing to buy real estate these days. The links above should have some very helpful information for you. Maybe you are not in a position to buy now, but it is never to late to think about how you want to spend your retirement years.