Several months ago we purchased a home in a nice neighborhood with a cute little park across the street. Most days we enjoy watching little kids playing, and elderly people walking their dogs. There are three schools within walking distance, including a high school and a junior high. There is also a gated senior community.
Well, yesterday some high school kids thought they could use the park as a scene for some kind of gang rumble. If they had only known my wife would be pulling out of the garage to go on an errand at the same time. She whipped out her cell phone like a gun slinger whips a gun out of his holster, and dialed 911 and told the police to get there ASAP, which they did. We have a great PD in our town. The police had already received several other calls. She then dog starred all of the little punks down, especially the three who thought they could park in front of our house. After that we drove over to speak to the police, as there was no way in H-E double hockey sticks that they were going to get away without hearing her out about the little kids and elderly people who use the park and would not tolerate these gangster punks in her neighborhood. Becoming a nurse has made my once shy, quiet wife fearless.
I then patiently listened to her rant about how people don't know what their little brats are up to half of the time, and is sick of parents who are afraid of their own children and do nothing to set boundaries for them, and how when she was a kid and got in trouble at school she would have been in even bigger trouble once she got home, and never wanted to do anything that would bring shame to her parents or cause them to be disappointed in her because she RESPECTED them, and so help her she REFUSED to live in a 'hood.
I love this woman.
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