Early Sunday morning my wife was up reading, and heard gunshots. Such a comforting thing to hear at 2:30 a.m. followed by screaming and cars peeling out. I quickly called 911 and the police were here almost before I hung up. Seven police vehicles in all.
A DRIVE BY SHOOTING happened in the neighborhood I live in. I didn't exactly think I lived in the "hood" but it seems as though I do. That evening the hospital my wife works at was on lock down because of a gang shooting where a gang member was killed. I kind of wonder if it wasn't retaliation for the shooting that happened on our street.
I feel bad for the people who own homes in this neighborhood, and the only way out for them is to sell and take a huge loss, or be foreclosed on. I am so thankful, however, that I rent and can move and plan to do so after this incident.
I'm sure the punks across the street aren't going anywhere, and it seems that they always have more rights than Joe Citizen anyway.
They have been arrested before, and it did nothing to change their ways.