Wednesday, December 19, 2007

More Real Estate Advice From Howard

Looks perfectly normal...way over-priced house that will not likely sell in the near future. Typical.

But, if you will, notice the big speaker in the window that just happened to be blaring muzak at the time I was driving by...must be some kinfolk of the cheerleaders.

Howard does not like gangsta rap. He does not recommend buying that house for $300,000 either. In fact, he says that he wouldn't even pay $150,000 for that house. He says that you would regret it at any price. Just do not bother. He is experienced in real estate matters, better than most realtors in fact and won't even charge you a commission for his sage advice. He'd like it to be mentioned, however, that he does accept treats. Especially the chicken flavored variety.


Anonymous said...

If you post a pic of those cheerleaders, I bet you get the most posts ever.

Anonymous said...

Those cheerleaders are more hoochie than hottie. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the speaker, have you considered investing in a spud gun?