This house recently sold for $20,000. My dad bought it. It is in Iowa within commuting distance to a major city, but still has the feel of very small town life.
This is a view out of the front yard.
Absolutely stunning backyard view. The best view $20,000 can buy.
Howard wonders, "is Iowa the only state with $20,000 houses on the market in a town where one does not need to fear for one's life?" Such questions exhaust him.
"I'd buy that for a dollar"
hey so you moved from Satan Barbera, CA to IL? whata culture shock.
are there jobs there other than walmart? do you enjoy it?
I moved from California to Iowa and lived there several years.
Yes, there are many 20K - 40K houses that are in very safe (crimewise) areas.
That's about all I can say about small towns in Iowa. LOL. Notice I'm outta there now!
The poor towns are dying more every day. That 20K house just may be worth 3K in 10 years, unfortunately. If that...
By the way, it would be just about impossible for an "outsider" especially a California to get a job at Wal-Mart there. (If they are lucky enough to live within an hour of the closest Wal-Mart.)
So the jobs at walmart are saved for their buddies and people they like?
That must mean there are very few jobs at all.
There are jobs in the midwest other than working for Walmart. Although, there are a lot more Walmarts back here than in California. I can see Walmart being an exclusive place to work in some of the smaller communities, because outsiders aren't welcomed too easily. Outsiders are looked upon rather, suspiciously.
When my mom flew to the midwest from California to visit me, I took her to a grocery store that is well-liked in my area, and when I was looking for her she was easy to find because she stood out like a sore thumb. She was dressed nicely, cute hairstyle, and had a bright, happy look on her face. Most people in the area I live wear clothes that they picked up off the floor, don't mess with hair/make-up too often, and RARELY smile. It really surprised me how much of a difference there was.
When I fly home to California, and people find out I am visiting from another state, they act really interested and ask questions about what it is like where I live. When my mom was here and people found out she was visiting from California they acted like they could care less.
The midwest isn't terrible, but they are not exactly known for their friendliness and hospitality either. They are a bit more stoic and aloof.
plenty of states have nice, safe houses priced in the $20,000 range. They are all priced that way for a reason. Visit them and you will know why!
I love this dismissive sentiment against the Midwestern areas. Yes, please, PLEASE, don't come here, you goddamn equity locusts. Like antimatter, your wave of false capital destroys the economy (i.e. sustainability and affordability) of anything it touches. Affordability in housing is not achieved through piles of funny money and toxic loans; it's achieved instead through DROPPING the prices of housing. Leave your intensely destructive asset speculation in California, PLEASE!
I actually think your Dad did well! Look at the state of the economy now. He's probably paid for the whole thing now and has no worries, he lives in a nice area, these days you can work from home on internet, or he can reire and grow healthy fruit and veg in his back garden. I bet many people are invious now. Check out on the net Borsodi and his story in the 1920's this is very interesting and make you feel GREAT!
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