This is too good not to post. The truck at the drive thru is a police vehicle that was confiscated from a drunk driver. I wish more communities would advertise like this. Notice the TV in the back. On the box it says, "Smart. Very smart." The guy should have listed to his TV box before he slammed a few and hit the road.
There have been plenty of times that the police plant a bag of dope in a car so they can confiscate it. The government flagrantly abuses "civil asset forfeiture". Among other things: Property can be confiscated based on the mere accusation of wrongdoing, no conviction necessary. Even if you are vindicated at trial, getting your property back is an extremely expensive ordeal (or in some cases, Big Brother already sold your car at auction.) This is due to the legal fiction that property, not a person, is on trial, and property has no rights. Never mind the hardship being without your ride can be for other family members whether you're innocent or guilty (and the hardship of being without what's rightfully yours if you're innocent.)
Not to mention the legal BAC of .08% is ridiculously low, it was lobbied for by MADD, a neoprohibitionist group.
You're an asshole for celebrating what amounts to theft and a gross violation of a person's 4th and 5th amendment rights. I hope you get yours some day.
I am a nurse, and I have seen what drunk drivers do to people's lives. One of my brother's high school friends is in jail for a very long time because he killed a 13 year old girl while driving drunk. If you drive drunk, I hope you "GET YOURS" before you kill an innocent life. I am glad that that drunk driver's truck was confiscated by the police. I have a feeling he was a frequent flyer. I truly doubt it was his first offense.
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