All kidding aside, I might have to take a look at this house. It looks like a fairly decent place that needs some minor work like a remodeled bathroom. It's no mansion, but with some work you could enjoy a nice place to live if you are one who likes a small house. Smaller means less to heat/cool, less to furnish, and less to remodel. You could just choose to update some parts of the home like making a tub into a walk in shower. I found a nice site that has a lot of up grades for the bathrooms if you are in the market for home improvements.
My wife and I recently bought a smaller home its 3 bed with 2 baths and we love it. It is cozy and our gas bill last month was only $8. Our electric bill was only $68 and we keep our air at 75-77 degrees. Since we bought less house we were able to upgrade some appliances, so it's not all bad. It helps that we don't have kids, but our dog Howard makes sure we keep him cool in the summer or else!
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
I hope the next-door effers are gone now that Howard has moved...appears those cats still plague him though...keep those ice cubes coming in his water dish and he'll be cool...I hope Howard likes the new digs
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